The Grenchus Foundation

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The Grenchus Foundation @ Ballet Morning -Ballet Recovery Mode - Warm-Ups and Stretching #1

Many people haved asked why I didn't dance or perform ballet in our Christmas Extravaganza ... I am still in recovery mode.... for Right leg and foot .... I am thankful to/ for Dayanis Mondeja who shared her materials with us for our Fall Season and Christmas Extravaganza .... Those of you who know me - know I do running, pilates, yoga ... and then ballet /modern dance/ salsa tango et all. --- I have been limited in all running, pilates, and yoga.... and have been operating in recovery mode since November. I am just gaining strength back for ballet, and hope this is the beginning of the end of the recovery... still a little weak but slowly getting there and regaining strength.

Although my running has restarted and increased... pilates and yoga are still moving fully into place.. and ballet follows all of all that. .....And don't worry the smile during practice and stretching, and dance - will return when recovery mode is over. : ) Always remember core strength and appropriate stretching (as well as protein and high vitamin intake levels) ....carry you through all of these ....and then your limbs.... Enjoy!

Video Released: January 26, 2022

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