The Grenchus Foundation

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The Grenchus Foundation: Bedtime Storybook Series: Seven Blind Mice

Bedtime Storybooks for Ukraine We began launching Bedtime Storybooks for Ukraine to offer bedtime stories for youth in Ukraine as they are in lockdown or in shelters, emigrating and do not have direct access books as well as to promote multi-culturalism. We are grateful to be able to offer this program and to help youth connect to literacy, as well as to find comfort in bedtime stories even in the midst of chaos and when they do not have access to books, no matter their location. Program is offered internationally ~ for all To make a donation to this program, please go here: (proceeds will go towards the program, as well as to fund reopening of schools and libraries and education programs for youth in Ukraine).


Books are read in English and French by: Mary E. Grenchus ~ the Founder of The Grenchus Foundation

Books In Ukrainian and Russian by: Fr. Volodymyr Panas ~ Ukraine

The Grenchus Foundation: Bedtime Storybook Series: Seven Blind Mice

Original Recording:

The Grenchus Foundation: Bedtime Storybook Series: Seven Blind Mice English Version - without pictures of book or subtitles

The Grenchus Foundation: Bedtime Storybook Series: Seven Blind Mice: English reading with pictures of book and subtitles

The Grenchus Foundation: L’histoire de la nuit: Sept Souris Aveugles: Lecture en francais avec des images du livre et sous-titres

The Grenchus Foundation: Серія оповідань на ніч: російське читання із зображеннями книги та субтитрами

Фонд Гренхуса: Серия сборников рассказов на ночь: Семь слепых мышей: чтение на русском языке с картинками книги и субтитрами