The Grenchus Foundation

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Song #6135 - The Grenchus Foundation Pop-Up Performance ~ Juan Pinos Velez ~ Andean Music

Song #6135 - The Grenchus Foundation Pop-Up Performance ~ Juan Pinos Velez ~ Andean Music

Juan is a Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Faculty of Ars School of Music ~ Musical Composition (graduate) , Musician and Composer: Performer in: Latin American Music, Classics, Andeans, Nationals, Strings, Winds and Minor Percussion. He Plays and Teaches instruments: piano, guitar, bass, drums, accordion, flute, saxophone, clarinet, quenas, quenachos, panpipes, rondador, payas, dulzainas, ocarina, charango, Venezuelan cuatro, ronroco, Peruvian cajon, legúero bass drum. He is a former teacher in Music at Salesiana sor Teresa Valse Educational Unit (2019-present) LUISA DE JESÚS CORDERO EDUCATIONAL UNIT. ENDORSED BY THE DOMINICAN MOTHERS (2012-2018), Salesian Technical College 2008-2010, and an Active member of the Allyu Llakta Music Group of the University of Cuenca (instrumentalist). He is a FOUNDING AND ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE GROUP "ALMA DEL SUR" POPULAR MUSIC GROUP. FOUNDED IN 2000 "Alma del Sur", which was born with the intention of forming a folklore group of the Salesian Higher Technical Institute, Its main objective is the rescue of traditional Ecuadorian and Latin American music addressing different aesthetics, styles and musical forms. He has participated in several National and International Folklore Festivals. Alma del Sur has been part of the musical cast of several dance groups with whom he visited as ambassadors of our culture in: Lima,(Peru), Santiago, Concepción, Valdivia, Arica (Chile), Córdoba, Buenos Aires, Monte buey (Argentina), Rio de Janeiro, Passo Fundo, Porto Alegre, Santos Guarujá, Nova Petropolis (Brazil), Santa Marta, barranquilla, Cincelejo, Cienega, Valledupar, Pasto ( Colombia), A Coruña, Galicia, Albacete, Ferrol, Madrid, Valencia, Tudela, Cuenca (Spain), Zacatecas, Guadalajara, Tequila, DF mexico (Mexico), Verona, Milan, Bolzano, Ferrara, Venice. John is happily married with two children.

Andean music is a group of styles of music from the Andes region in South America. Original chants and melodies come from the general area inhabited by Quechuas (originally from Peru), Aymaras (originally from Bolivia), and other peoples who lived roughly in the area of the Inca Empire. This early music then was fused with Spanish music elements. It includes folklore music of parts of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. Andean music is popular to different degrees across Latin America, having its core public in rural areas and among indigenous populations. To make a donation to The Grenchus Foundation to support our Fall 2021 Fine Arts Season - go here:

(To sign up for lessons with Juan go here: )