Iraq Always in the Heart of Pope Francis

 In the final greeting of the Mass celebrated in the Hariri stadium in Erbil, Francis leaves the invitation to the Gulf country to "work together in unity for a future of peace and prosperity that leaves no one behind and does not discriminate against anyone"

Benedetta Capelli - Vatican City “God bless you all! God bless Iraq! Allah ma'akum! (God be with you) ". Francis takes his leave in this way, at the end of Mass in the Franso Hariri stadium in Erbil, after intense days of listening to painful voices but also full of consolation, after having seen the many sprouts of good sown together in the diversity of confessions. A journey which leads his heart to reserve an important place for Iraq and which prompts the Pope to ask Iraqis to work together for the common good and peace so that a future of prosperity can be built. Listen to the report with the Pope's voice).

The martyrs, stars that shine together The first of the many "graces" said by Francis goes to His Holiness Mar Gewargis III, Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East. A "brother" in faith: Together with him I embrace the Christians of the various confessions: many here have shed their blood on the same soil! But our martyrs shine together, stars in the same sky! From up there they ask us to walk together, without hesitation, towards the fullness of unity.

Then his thoughts go to the bishops who prepared and accompanied his journey with prayer and affection, to the "dear Kurdish population", to the government, to the civil authorities, to all the Iraqi authorities, to the volunteers and to those who collaborated for the realization of each stage.

The work of good A heartfelt thanks to Roaco, the Congregation for the Oriental Churches and to many sowers of hope. In these days spent among you, I have heard voices of pain and anguish, but I have also heard voices of hope and consolation. And this is thanks, in large part, to that tireless work of good that has been made possible thanks to the religious institutions of every confession, thanks to your local Churches and to the various charitable organizations, which assist the people of this country in the work of reconstruction and social rebirth.

Ties of fraternity “Now - the Pope explains - the time to leave for Rome is approaching”. But Iraq will always remain with me, in my heart. I ask all of you, dear brothers and sisters, to work together in unity for a future of peace and prosperity that leaves no one behind and does not discriminate against anyone. Francis assures his prayers and indicates the path of brotherhood to give Iraq a tomorrow: I pray that the members of the various religious communities, together with all men and women of good will, will cooperate to forge bonds of fraternity and solidarity in the service of good and peace. Salam, salam, salam! Shukrán! (Thank you)

VATICAN NEWS ~ ITALY ~ HOLY SEE PRESS (Translated to English 03/07/2021) Per