On Social Justice - A Meal or a Bag a Week


Throughout COVID, as things have changed - and funding has been questionable for most, we have begun to see an increase in the number homeless people. We do not attribute this to any of the politicians, but rather, to the situations and circumstances of COVID… as we have also seen in other countries… there is a whole new group of homeless people - who need help. This has continued to lead us to advocate for the homeless throughout this time, to turn to different leaders and make recommendations as to new steps forward (which we will share with you in a little bit below)….This has also led us to concretely take action and provide either a meal a week or a bag of groceries a week to the homeless people we see. We have also begun to enter into conversations with others, discussing ways people can be a “protector of the homeless,” by helping them when they are in need and also having those conversations with them about next steps - especially as winter is approaching.

Here is a list of concrete recommendations we have made to leaders:

Reform the Homeless System - so that homeless are no longer staying in shelters but have individuals apartments to live in instead, even if it is just as transitional housing. Make sure there is something in place so that each one of their needs are met - food, clothing, housing, job placement, and any counseling help that is needed. Currently, our systems are just not where they should be in relation to homelessness. COVID pointed this out even more clearly through immigrant populations who have been without what they need, the physically homeless we see present, those whose housing have seen destroyed through natural disasters, and all of those living in war torn countries - who do not have things in place yet - to make sure their basic needs are met. This again, is a global issue, that needs to be addressed and needs to change. We look forward to seeing change happen soon! Until then, please help out a homeless person this week! Remember, it does not have to be something big - you could even just give them some yummy leftovers, include them in your meal count this week, or buy them a bag of groceries this week.

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Mary Grenchus