The Grenchus Foundation

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What Are Light Workers?

So many people use the term ~ To Be a Light Worker ~ but, what does it actually mean?

When someone is a lightworker, they bring love, joy, calmness, peace, and healing to any situation. They are able to maintain joy, peace, and abundance in the normal every day, in the extra-beautiful moments, but also in the most difficult of situations. They shine and they radiate the splendor of God and the goodness of God to others. They radiate a divine connection with this goodness in their sheer being and essence.

They are able to open up hearts by being the presence of God to others or point others back to God and what is most sacred. Lightworkers are the ones who bring healing, compassion, and mercy. They are able to change the vibration of a space to a positive one, or even more fully amplify it when they are already in a positive space. They bring joy, peace, and calm and their light extinguishes darkness.

Even though they bring healing, they are usually asked by God to do things that many people would see difficult to do. But that is why they are precisely chosen by God to do the difficult things. The lightworker either does not see the difficulty in the task asked or if they do see the difficulty, they do not allow the difficulty to overcome the goodness that would be accomplished by being the light.

Lightworkers are highly in tune to not just God, divine energy, presence - but also in tune to their own inner being. They are able to embrace others and whatever situation. Focusing on the goodness, they can usually see their way through the darkness and guide others out of the darkness. Sometimes, by their presence alone, they are able to point the way forward.

A special thank you to all of you who are lightworkers, for all the beautiful life, love, joy and peace you bring to the world ~ thank you for sharing your beautiful light!

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