A Demand for a Global Ceasefire and Peace Agreement(s) ~ With further guidelines forward

Gobal Ceasefire and Peace Agreement: 

Given the situation of the Pandemic and the emergency need of the vaccine to be distributed, administrated, and for basic needs to be met in all of the countries (especially given the number of deaths that are occurring globally)  - We are demanding a global ceasefire  - and a peace agreement between groups who are in current conflict. This Global Ceasefire and Peace Agreement(s) will be in place until the end of the pandemic, and depending on the situations in each country – will continue and stay in place - as every country transitions through recovery for the next generation. 

As we have continued to see violence from conflict increase throughout the pandemic, and the effect it is having on youth, we demand a global cease-fire and for a peace agreement/peace agreements to be put in place for each one of the locations that are experience conflict. Given the urgency and the need for the vaccine to be distributed and administered in each one of these areas, as well as the need for hospitals etc. To be intact so that medical care is available to all groups and all people suffering from the pandemic, we demand a global Ceasefire and peace agreements to be in place so no further medical personnel etc are harmed, as well as no people are harmed... as well as for no more hospitals or medical facilities to be damaged or destroyed. We need every medical facility and all medical personnel that is available in every country to help overcome this virus, to help treat patients who currently have the virus, as well as to help with vaccine distribution and administration. We also need military personnel (the majority of all military personnel) to help with this effort as well, as we are already short on medical personnel in every country, given the pandemic. Military personnel should help distribute and administer the vaccine… as well as help with natural disasters and to help with the distributions of supplies that are needed at this time, for each country…  

Given the devastation and damage already done to each country by the Virus as well as by natural disasters, we also ask that all countries sign the nuclear ban treaty – update the ratifications to the treaty, and put the nuclear ban treaty into place for all countries. Most military personnel at this time will be needed to help vaccinate the populations … as well as the reality that all countries do not need to suffer from deeper devastation and damage at this time, given the virus and the natural disasters we are currently fighting against.  All nuclear power deals should currently be put on hold. If all countries are not okay with full disarmament at this time – we ask that they sign the nuclear ban treaty to put a hold in place for all countries to not have to worry about nuclear warfare in the middle of a pandemic. Every country should be turning their focus to vaccinating and overcoming the virus, and solving the pandemic as opposed to nuclear warfare. If a country has already overcome the virus in the country they should be ready to help and HELP another country in overcoming the virus as well. As all the countries begin to heal and have the vaccine administered to them.... as each country reaches herd immunity or full vaccination, negotiations will be able to begin on ways forward in the future, and what nuclear energy and power will look like. We do not want another case of a virus like this again... or any other thing on a global scale or global crisis like this again. This includes anything that could happen in relation to nuclear power or nuclear warfare.  

Our priority is life, and life for all. This includes the youth that are currently present on the global and all future generations of people that come after us. The following guidelines will focus on issues that need to be overcome as we begin to move forward.  

Additionally, each country should evaluate how to best protect the earth that has been given to us, and the people on it… without destroying each other through nuclear warfare. Nuclear warfare is a form of warfare that it is very difficult if not impossible for people and the globe to heal from. This is not the way forward to a future where humanity works hand in hand with the earth and in respect of the planet we have been given and blessed with, let alone our fellow human beings.


#1: Any nuclear deals should first look at how nuclear power - etc… nuclear energy can be used as a renewable energy. In what ways is nuclear energy renewable vs. destructive? While the nuclear ban treaty is signed and in place for each country - each country should examine and look at how nuclear energy / power etc is a renewable energy source and can be used a renewable energy source, and how it will be used now and in the future as a renewable energy source and in relation to renewable energy resources for each country. This should be examined and stated clearly, and have scientific backing before any nuclear power deals are signed. As this examination of nuclear power to renewable energy, and nuclear power deals are put on hold, countries should focus on distributing and administering the vaccine and seeing that the people’s basic needs are being met in each country. This is the priority at this time.

#2: Each country will examine the effects of warfare on the population of people, especially the youth. This will be examined as new pathways forward and how to use our military personnel in the future. This is the case for every country, an examination of how military personnel will be used in the future - in relation to global efforts that are good for the earth and good for humanity. Better ways for using military personnel as opposed to using military for warfare should be examined and taken seriously. Better structures should be put in place, in each country, for negotiations, and collaboration as opposed to turning to conflict and warfare. Communication and dialogue should and the art of peaceful dialogue should be learned and take place between countries, so that no country has to resort to the use of warfare to solve a problem.

#3: We urge countries to look at new ways forward in relation to keeping peace agreements in place and ending violence against each other through the use of war or warfare given the major global issues that already exist in relation to natural disasters as well as the global issues warfare and violence causes for all populations, people, and for the earth. With the need to prioritize fraternity and harmony between countries, inter-country collaborations, as well as to overcome previous issues caused by war:

War in relation to migration/immigration/emigration - and all issues in relation to migration/immigration/emigration (recognize there are many other reasons why people migrate besides war)… there is a need to end war / decrease war to decrease the number of reasons why migration is occurring - War being one of the major ones. While we support people’s right to migrate and emigrate… we do not support the destruction of the planet or destruction of people or communities etc. which causes people to migrate.

War is an atrocity against humanity and the planet and a crime against humanity and the planet.


We urge each country to consider the following for ways forward as the vaccine is being distributed and administered:


(this can also be put in place as a vaccine for youth is continuing to be developed and will be distributed and administered, the youth will not be left behind or left out in relation to receiving vaccines)

End Child Soldiers and Child Warfare

End Child Abductions

End Human Rights Violations against Youth

End killing of youth because of war and violence

End Kidnapping and abductions of youth by terrorists and extremist groups / extremist warring groups

Halt violence and war as all societies begin to the rebuilding of educational infrastructures, mutual trust and respect among countries, leaders, and people, as well as encourage acceptance of different cultures and religious beliefs (diversity). Protection of rights for youth: right to food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care. Bridging Divides / Unifying the youth's right to human dignity and basic needs globally.

A Global peace treaty can be put in place with the above name etc… or it can be put in regionally….

Below is listed one idea of area specific Peace Pact or Peace Treaty:

Area: (Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran)

(We additionally advocate for there to be global debt forgiveness)