5 Ways to Enhance Your Health and Wellness Now

5 Ways to Enhance Your Health and Wellness Now

  1. Get Moving - Start an exercise routine you love, and get active! Don’t just watch your favorite sports… play some of them! If you like to run - run! Schedule time in your day to take a break and exercise in a way you are passionate about! Did you know that even speed walking is at the Olympics?! .. Let the Olympics inspire you to get moving!

2. Increase eating healthy foods. Swap out your fried foods for salad ~ top your salad with cheese or slices of meat ~ it will still be healthier than eating lots of carbs and fried foods and you can add each of the food groups to your salad! Try one of these SUPERFOOD SALADS … or try one of these other delicious SALAD RECIPES!

3. Prioritize your mental health! Finding yourself in toxic situations or around toxic people? Remove yourself from the situation … or sign up to receive our free guide on 12 ways to get unstuck and eliminate toxic people from your life: live in joy! Start living in Gratitude and focusing on being kind. Making these two shifts will begin to change the world around you.

4. Spend time in prayer, reflection, meditation and/or journaling. Start your day with Prayer, Reflection, Meditation, and/or Journaling to center yourself for your day, to stay grounded throughout your day, and to remind you of what is most important in life. End your day in one of the above listed practices as well. This will set the tone for a good night’s rest, and empower you to quiet the mind before falling asleep, helping you enter into deeper sleep states. It also relaxes you, calms you and preps you for a better day tomorrow.

5. Spend at least 45 minutes outside. Enjoy the weather and beauty of nature. It improves mental health, enhances physical health, stimulates creativity and problem-solving, improves focus and attention, promotes social interaction, and enhances resilience. Enjoy gardens, woods, beaches, lakes, streams, mountains and soak in the beauty of nature. Even if it just to lay in a hammock, relaxing.

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Mary Grenchus