The Grenchus Foundation

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True Love Chooses Love and to Be In Love

In The Light of True Love -

Is that when people truly love each other, they choose each other, and they show each other every day - that they choose each other. What I mean is, they choose each other in their actions and in their words. Even if in moments, they argue, they fight, or they do not get along, they still choose each other. They choose to forgive each other, to understand each other, to care about each other, to continue to show each other love, in physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual ways.

This is how relationships withstand the test of time. Without this, relationships do not last and it is not true love.

I have had many people tell me, over time…well…. he has a choice, he has to choose you.. you are right! To all those people who ever said to this me, throughout my life, you are right. Once in awhile other people would say to me:  He wants to know you are choosing him, that you want him etc. Again, you are right! To all those people you are also right! Let me just be clear here, that when people said these things to me, they were always trying offer a way to remedy a situation. But the reality is, in every single relationship I have been in, I have chosen to love the other. In every situation, I never took away someone else’s right to choose. That is not the kind of person that I am. Also, I have always believed and known that True Love choses love and choses you if they truly love you, just as God chooses us every day. But there is a difference between truly loving someone and True Love… you can truly love someone and not be in love with them, you can truly love someone and walk away from them. You can truly love someone and overall be there for them, but never let them fully into your heart. You can truly love someone and stay guarded, or keep walls up, or you can create walls to keep people out. But the difference is, with True Love, True Love stays in love and continuously chooses love and the other person, being with them, loving them, caring about them, showing them that they care about them, showing them that they love them, and what matters most is the other and the love that they share between each other.

My grandparents were two people with True Love. No matter what happened between them, no matter what came up in their lives, no matter how many arguments they had between each other, or how many frustrating moments they had, or even how many family crisis’ they had to endure…. they chose each other, over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. No Matter What. Their love for each other endured all of that and worked through all of that. Their love for each other, and them being in love with each other, turned all of those things into flourishing. With all those things, and through all those things, their love for each other grew even deeper than could be imagined, and them being in love with each other continued to be manifest in their relationship with each other, in their interactions with others, and in the world. Ultimately it did not matter who said what, who did what, what had happened or how it happened, or even whose opinion counted (in or outside of the relationship). What mattered most was their love for each other and being in love with each other. That love was what empowered both of them to choose each other over and over, and over again. This is part of what it means to Be In Love.

So for all of you struggling in your relationship, know that True Love exists. And for all of you that are being judged in your relationship, know that it doesn’t matter. What matters is the love you have for each other, being in love with each other, and that growing ever deeper. When looking at your relationship contemplate: How can my love grow deeper for this person? How can our love grow deeper for each other? How can we help our love for each other to endure and flourish? How can we protect the love we have for each other, and being in love with each other? How can us being in love with each other grow - is there something I am doing, the other person is doing, or other people are doing that is preventing that from happening and if so, how can I, the other person, or other people change that? How can our love continue to be a beacon of light to other people, and how can us being in love continue to be a beacon of light to each other and other people?

Until our next post ~ Keep finding ways to love and light your light shine!

If you would like to go deeper into transforming your relationships, please sign up for one of our Coaching Programs and we will be more than happy to help you through!


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