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True Love: The Chase ~ Trusting God with Your Happily Ever After... Part II

True Love: The Chase ~ Trusting God with Your Happily Ever After... Part II

What are you chasing after? When it comes to love and true love what are you chasing after?

The next step is to “Quiet The Noise”

Quiet the noise of the outside world and the lies that the outside world fill you with. Remember that Beauty comes from within. It comes from Jesus/God. Your self-worth and beauty are not determined by someone else, or by the people around you are what everyone else is focusing on. You need to look deeper than outer beauty and look to the beauty within, otherwise, your relationship will be based on superficialities. Additionally, if you are always comparing yourself to someone else or allowing other people to compare you to others, you will forget your true value and worth. Your true value and worth are found in God, grounded in God, and can never be replaced by what someone else tells you. If you are only paying attention to someone’s outer appearance, you are missing who the person really is. You miss what is most important and that is what is inside of their heart.

This does not mean that you shouldn’t care about yourself or engage in self-care, or that you are selfish because you like to look presentable, or like fashion or eating healthy, or being healthy. It also doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be attracted to someone.. you should be attracted to the person you are going to spend your life with, for sure! God created your body, and does want you to take care of it, and to appreciate it, as well as others. The problem is when you weigh outer appearances and care more about outer appearances than you do about what is inside someone’s heart. Also, God knows your worries and your anxieties and you can always take those worries and anxieties to the Lord in prayer.

Many people get caught in the trap of comparison…. whether they are dating or whether they are married. Part of the point is to realize your heart, and what is in your heart is more important. Additionally, if the person you are with is always constantly comparing your appearance or outer physique to everyone else’s… maybe they aren’t the person for you. If the person you are with cannot value you for who you truly are as a person, or what is in your heart, and are always trying to make you feel bad about your body or body shaming you, then they are most likely not the person God has chosen for you - and it isn’t True Love. True Love doesn’t body shame. True love looks at the heart, and supports you in your goals for yourself, and will encourage you in health and well-being (overall within moderation; not constantly trying to push you to be someone you are not… or trying to make the most perfect looking person on the planet). Remember God doesn’t expect you to look perfect every single second of the every single day. Whenever you get confused about this, you can always offer a prayer up to God about it, and God will send you clarity and truth in your heart.

Take time to quiet the noise … and talk to God first, before talking to other people about how you look, what outfit you should get or wear for a date and before comparing yourself to other people. Quiet the noise and talk to God first before talking to other people about how they feel about YOUR BODY, YOUR LOOKS, YOUR FEELINGS, OR THEIR PERCEPTION on anything they think you physically need to change about yourself.

Let God step in, before listening to celebrities, TV, friends, guys, girls, or social media tell you who and what to be. Slow down, quiet the noise and shut down the other voices…let God become the most important voice in your head and heart.

Quiet the noise and give yourself time for clarity… because it is when we allow all the noise and influencing of everyone else that we are easily led astray of what God would be asking or is asking. If God is revealing a truth to you from someone else - God will make it clear; taking time to quiet the noise will not stop God from revealing it. When you don’t take time to check in with God, that is when you can be thrown off course, and societal pressures can influence you to do things God may not be asking you to do. Take time to talk to God about the decisions you are making, in relation to any relationship, or in the relationship you are in. The person you are with, should also respect you taking time for God, and your relationship with God. They should not feel threatened by this… Remember you are loved, valued, and treasured.

Remember - you are a ‘one-in-a-million’… that your love, you, and your heart are unique, rare, and a precious gift to be treasured…. just as the person that God created for you is is a ‘one-in-a-million’ person.

Lastly, take time to quiet the noise, dream, and create a list with the qualities of the person you are waiting for - qualities in relation to the person’s character.. .What does True Love mean to you? Write a list, and don’t compromise on that list… if you find you do compromise and end up in a relationship that isn’t it… then, pray about it and re-align yourself with the way God is directing you etc. If you change your mind about traits you are looking for, then change, but change it because that is the way God is leading you, not because someone else is pressuring you. The right person will respect you and have understanding of what is important to you and why, keep communication open, and share what is true for you with the person you are dating / in a relationship with. Pray about the traits of the person you want to spend your life with, and pray to God that God also protect the person that God has chosen for you… because just like you can end up on the wrong course or path, so can whoever God has planned for you. Pray about the path you are on, and making sure you are chasing after God and not someone or something else… Pray for the person you are meant to be with, and trust that that prayer will be answered. Believe. …

Also remember when dating - dating is a discernment about God’s calling for your life and who God chooses….

How else can we open ourselves up more deeply to our Happily Ever After?

That is one of the questions we will be exploring more deeply next!

Based on The Chase by Kyle and Kelsey Kupecky)

With Analysis, Insight, Writing and Perspective by Mary E. Grenchus

If you would like to go deeper into transforming your relationships, please sign up for one of our Coaching Programs and we will be more than happy to help you through!


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