
Summer Vacation Bible School Program–

Creation Care Kids • Living Laudato Si'

Plant seeds of faith in your children AND WATCH THEM GROW!

Great Big Beautiful World is an interactive vacation Bible school curriculum where children explore, celebrate, and care for God’s good creation! The five Bible stories in this VBS lead children on an awesome adventure through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Through worship and drama, Bible study, nature-themed art projects and snacks, active games, and science explorations, children will discover God’s love for all of creation. They will be challenged to care for God’s world in tangible ways—both during VBS and at home.

It begins with the creation story in Genesis 2 and includes psalms, stories of Jesus, and the vision of a new heaven and new earth in Revelation. This comprehensive look at the biblical story reveals God’s deep love for all of creation, including each child. Great Big Beautiful World invites children to see the ways God cares for the earth and challenges them to be part of caring for and preserving the created world.

Each day starts with relationship-building, joint worship, music, prayer, and a dramatic presentation of the Bible story. This is a time to SOW seeds of friendship, joy, generosity, and wisdom. These seeds will GROW as children explore, create, play, and learn about God’s story at three response stations. In closing worship, children will be challenged to GO out into the world to care for the beautiful world God made.

Preschoolers ages 4–5 will see Bible stories come to life through the arts, and will reflect on them during three response times: Bible Study Response, Active Games, and Art & Science Response.

Children in grades K–6 will see Bible stories come to life through the arts, and will reflect on them during three response times: Bible Study Response, Active Games, and Art & Science Response.

Grades 7th - 12 & College Youth will help by volunteering and help running some of the programs or performing the plays, skits etc…. and shepherding the little ones …and serving as some of the leaders….


Morning Session: 9am-12pm

Afternoon Session: 1pm-4pm

WHERE: Central Park or Online

Offered In Person (if you choose in person option program is held in Central Park - you still get full access to the online program as well)

Offered On-line as well


Music: Piano, Drums, Singing, create your own song, concludes with performance

Visual Arts: Painting, oils, watercolor, pastels, brushes, canvases, paper types, etc, concludes with art show

Performing Arts: acting and youth plays, writes their own play, concludes with performance

Photography: water, nature, animals, etc, concludes with youth choosing a piece of their artwork they would like printed/photography show

Dance: ballet, hip-hop dance, gymnastics, musical theater dance, concludes with performance

Fashion/Design: create design/fashions in sketchbook, with fabric, learn show basics, concludes with fashion show

Science: science exploration of the themes listed below and themes in nature that relate each day to the given topic

Bible / Scripture Verse: a different verse for each day

Theme For Each Week and Schedule:

1 Package per week ~

(please only sign up your child for one week so other youth have the opportunity to experience the program as well! If they are volunteering to help with groups, then they can help for more than one week depending on the number of volunteers)

Day 1: God Creates

Day 2: God Tends The Earth

Day 3: God’s Kingdom Is Like a Seed

Day 4: We Are Like Trees

Day 5: A New Creation

Proceeds from the fee for the Education Program pays the Artists who are teaching the youth, as well as to the Grenchus Foundation.

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