The Grenchus Foundation

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Act of Faith, Hope, and Love

Boston College: Gasson Hall 2013

Act of Faith:

O God,

I firmly believe all the truths that you have revealed

and that you teach us through you Church,

for you are truth itself

and can neither deceive nor be deceived.


Act of Hope

Boston College: Rainy Day Sister

O God,

I hope with complete trust

that you will give me,

through the merits of Jesus Christ,

all necessary grace in this world

and everlasting life in the world to come,

for this is what you have promised

and you always keep your promises.


Boston College: Bapst / Burns Library

Act of Love

O my God,

I love you above all things,

with my whole heart and soul,

because you are all good and worthy of all my love.

I love my neighbor as myself for the love of you.

I forgive all who have injured me,

and I ask pardon of all whom I have injured.


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