A Woman Full of Soul program is open to all women. This Program is an inspirational membership where we celebrate women for all they do and are trying to overcome in their lives, while also sharing on how to be a woman full of soul. You will hear from different women about their own journey and experience as a woman their success stories, as well as some of their challenges and how they are overcoming them, what inspires them and brings them hope, love, and joy. We look forward to bringing this program to you and sharing this program with you. This is about celebrating you as a female to celebrate you and to offer you encouragement, hope, and support. Frequently,women and mothers are the unsung heros in society. This program has been created to help women support each other in whatever their path is in life, and to accompany and encourage women and mothers on their journey. It is also a way to share the goodness they are doing and to celebrate it, while sharing techniques that work or do not work. This program will share about what being a soulful woman is while building women up to be full of soul, life, and faith. This program is also meant to build confidence, creativity, and inspiration as well as to give a voice to some of the unsaid things that need to be said. Additionally, if you are someone who is feeling overwhelmed in her life, with everything that is happening, or unable to find balance, this program is for you! If you are a new mother or a long-time mother, looking to find a support group, this is also for you! Why is it called A Woman Full of Soul Program/Project? Because as women, we are a constant work of art, We are constantly uncovering who we are, discovering ourselves, becoming who we are called to be, as well as discovering who that is. We are constantly learning and uncovering the depths of our soul, while we are molded and shaped through our experience; we are a project in the making, a work of art being painted every day and painting our lives every day.

Having experience in supporting other women in their roles and lives, as well as having ministry experience, we are happy to offer this program!

We are happy to celebrate women in all they are trying to do to make the world a better place!

This program includes:

  • Free Access to our Woman Full of Soul Show

  • Weekly live sessions where I discuss different areas to support you in your life journey

  • Support Tools for each of the areas discussed to foster deeper growth and development in your spiritual and personal journey

  • Women’s Private Group Access

  • Email Access for additional questions

(if you think you need a 1:1 intensive we encourage you to schedule a 1:1 with us HERE )