Love in Action
The Trinity: Ceiling Stairwell 1: Yale Art Gallery
Interior of the Soul: Yale Art Gallery
While we speak of theological theories and ideas, and strive to better understand God and Christ, we frequently overlook the reality of life. The reality is that these ideas and theories, we are not only to share, but to some degree, we are called and asked to put them into action.
Double the Wonderful: Yale Art Gallery
Slowly, they form us, they help us, or should help us to be more deeply created.
While we are created in God’s image, somehow it seems we have an issue – as humans - in allowing God to be manifest in our lives, through our actions, the things we say, how we treat others, or even how we handle or deal with situations….Instead we hurt others, insult others, injure others intentionally or unintentionally... or just blatantly disregard others and the value that they have in existing or even being in our lives......
....With complaining, whining, questioning, doubting, they approached the Gallery - - wondering what on earth could be inside that was soo spectacular? One loves art, the other does not…. One likes to draw, the other does not, the other likes things planned out, the other does not… but BOTH love to control situations, to have the brilliant idea, to see all there is to see and talk about it, BOTH love to be the favorite, and BOTH will fight with each other, if things are not equal, are not fair, if something weird is going on, or something is happening that they don’t understand…. They vie for love, attention, and affection….
Sometimes, they are able to dance the dance together… the dance through life. At other times, they just need a break. How many times, a day, a week, a year, are we like this with God and our relationship with God? Or even our relationship with our true selves? How many times do we try to hid from God or even hide from our true selves, instead of allowing the splendidness of relationship to exist? How many times do we shut ourselves down, and pull ourselves away from what is most important, because the world wants us to? How many times do we try to be and try to pretend to be all that world tells us to be, but not the person we authentically are?
Finding God and One's Self 1: Yale Art Gallery
How frequently do we vie for love and attention? Are we seeking and receiving it in the right ways? How frequently do we vie for love and attention from God, when God and God's love and attention are really there the whole time?
How frequently are we really showing others the face of love, and allowing ourselves the time and the space to love others, just as they are? How frequently do we encourage others to be their authentic selves and not to hide their authentic selves from us? How frequently do we judge others for who they are instead of reassuring them, that it is okay to be who they really are and to show us who that is?
Finding God and One's Self 2: Yale Art Gallery
How frequently do we run from our emotions or feelings hoping they will just magically be cured, go away, or they will disappear...Instead of facing them, our feelings and emotions, and allowing ourselves to be who we are? How frequently do we allow otheres to express their true emotions and feelings to us? How frequently do we allow youth to be their authentic selves, and to really enjoy life, while learning? How frequently do we encourage others to do what is truly best for their development and growth? How frequently do we ask people to push their feelings aside so that we can exist and do what we want, even though it may be selfish to ask them to do that?
How frequently do we give ourselves time and space to explore and to discover, to allow ourselves to grow and bloom and flourish? How frequently do we allow others to do the same?
Running with God: Yale Art Gallery
…..The boys went on a treasure hunt ~ and in the process they found themselves, and they found God. They allowed God’s grace to step in. They allowed God to whisper to them, in the recesses of the art gallery, to begin to uncover and discover who they truly are. ….Do we, as adults, allow ourselves to have this time? We are to allow God's grace to take hold in us, and change us, move us, to open us up to love. To love more deeply, and by doing so, to move us into action. To put that love into action. Where is God's grace in your life? We are to allow God to captivate us, and we are to be captivated by God in other people.
Do we allow ourselve to be captivated? Do we allow ourselves to experience the sheet goodness and divineness of the people in our lives? Or do we push them away? Do we allow them to run with use? To enjoy our company and to explore with us? Do we allow ourselves to be open to their truth, beauty, and goodness? Or are we too crippled by fear? Are we too taken aback by the negativity of the world to be truly open and recognize the love that is present in front of us and around us? Are we too consumed by what other people think of others to really see the good in others? Are we too self-centered to be open to receive the goodness from other people that God wants us to receive?
Do we allow ourselves to experience God’s majesty and greatness, or do we shut God out?
Do we allow others to journey with us? Do we allow those we love to journey with us?
The Heavens: Yale Art Gallery
Do we allow ourselves to experience heaven on earth, or the Kingdom of God, here on earth? Or do we try to hide from it? Do we try to avoid it? Do we try to overlook it? Do we keep holding on to the idea that it is not here but a far away place that we will only see after we die?
For me, the Kingdom of God is at hand, every day. the Kingdom of God shines forth in my life everyday, in the smallest things, as well as the bigger details. The Kingdom of God is all around us. The love of God is all around us, and surrounds, protects us, empowers us, leads us, encourages us, dances and sings with us, and rests with us. ……..
....The two entered the Gallery and explored, uncovering deep mysteries of architecture, art, but more importantly...they discovered more of who they were and what they liked as individuals...they discovered that even here, God is present.
They discovered that they were allowed to have their feelings, their thoughts, and emotions.... that they could talk to others about them, or just recognize that they have them and feel them. They realized they could take those thoughts and feelings to God... but also realized how they expressed those thoughts and feelings could change... and do change. They realized they could have fun with each other and enjoy sharing these things with each other. They experienced something new together, and laughed with each other. God’s spirit reverberated through them, and filled the space with energy.
But only because the two let God be God. Because of this, their love was not only present, but was put into action. Their attitudes toward each other changed, and their love and energy spread outward to others.
Eclipse: Yale Art Gallery
Where is God calling you to change?
Where is God calling you to put love in action?
Where is God calling you to step out of your comfort zone and doing things differently?
Where is God asking you to let God in?
If you have let God in,
Where is God's light flooding your life?
Let us pray, that we too can experience conversion, and open our hearts up to the Lord, to receive God's grace and goodness. That instead of hurting others we can build each other up and love; where we can walk together in unity, appreciating our similarities and differences. May the Good Lord continue to engage our Spirits, and fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we may help manifest the Kingdom of God here on earth.
May we continue to delight in God and all God offers us; and may we see God's goodness and love in others.
May we love more deeply.
May we give of ourselves to others, to help them experience God and God's goodness here on earth.
Mercy Heart : Yale Art Gallery
Let us pray that we can and will show God's love and mercy to others...
And for all of those who have shown us God's love and mercy, let us pray a prayer of thanksgiving, praise, and gratitude, for them, and that we have seen, experienced, know, and value God's love and mercy, and the love and mercy of others.
Let us pray for all of those who love us and are merciful towards us. And if we are able, let us take the time to thank them for showing us God's light and love.
Thank you for being in my life, and for reading this blog.