The Intricate Spirit
Innsbruck: Austria
There comes a time in everyone's life where they find their voice, and step out of the mold that everyone thinks they should be in...A moment where each person finds that individual moment where they have the strength to believe in themselves and the values they hold true...for their way of being, their inner spirit.
Vienna, Austria
Sometimes, this is within the intricacies of our daily life, or it is a moment where we venture away to truly find ourself and reconnect to who we are. Sometimes it is in the sheer delicacy of a moment of stillness and silence where we have created the space for the soul to just be. Sometimes it is in the moments of being swept away, and lost within the details and intricate artwork of the creation of a space, or even a culture. It is in these moments we become more fully ourselves, and who we were created to be, yet constantly becoming. It could be in the whisper of a breeze...or even a moment where our eyes dance over the face of a loved one...or are mesmerized by the creative beauty of someone else's self-expression. We glide into that place of ease where we have known our soul has longed to be...a place we once tasted in a long-forgotten time, from before our earthly existence. A place where our soul, before creation, was at perfect peace, happiness, and joy. A place our soul always longs to return to, and does...through the glimpses of love experienced in the here and now. While we know we are finite, we try to capture in images and memories, moments of infinite-ness...that try to pass us by. The memory itself is one of those beautiful well as the present...and the dreams we have of the future. It is in all of these moments that we regain our sense of being and purpose...and recall that we are made for love. Vienna, Austria
Hofburg ~ Innsbruck, Austria
Yet, there are other times where our soul echos like a silent room, or is caught up in the most beautiful reverie...but it is not until the eyes shine with the light of love that the soul can truly be seen, for this is truly the heart of the matter. As humans we so frequently hide behind our insecurities and mask our light, so we will not be discovered. But all of this is done out of fear. This is the fear that paralyzes the light of life. For it is only in love that we are ever really able to truly give, and it is only in love that we are ever able to truly receive.
Strauss ~ Vienna, Austria
It is in these moments where eternity touches our soul. Where we begin to experience kindness, goodness, and the gentleness of life. Where our soul begins to sing, and begins to shine. In these moments our spirit is in harmony not only with the creator but with the created. In these moments we are able to to share with others who we truly are. In these moments we become truly grateful and thankful for not only the experience, but for the gift of life, and the ways we are imbued with grace. We may be challenged, we may be caught up in a dream, or we may be ever present in the reality of the every day ~ however ~ all of these moments of experiencing some form of the eternal lead us to a better understanding of what it means to truly love and to truly be loved. Our soul catches flame and we are empowered to show others the beauty of the love we have received, as our soul is also reflected in the love we are able to give. Through the symphony of emotions and feelings, thoughts and desires, and the love that pours out between souls, we are able to capture a glimpse of God, and God's infinite love for us as the human beings God has created us to be.
~Special Credit for this post goes to these amazing choir women who empowered me to listen to my spirit, and let my light shine. Who fostered my creativity, encouraged me to use my gifts and talents for others, and invited me along on the journey to Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. ~You will always have a special place in my heart.
Swarovski ~ Wattens, Austria